The wave pushed me and I pushed back, but alas, it was stronger. After years of fighting UX’s relegation to the realm of digital-only products, I’m finally accepting the changing tide.
Read MoreTesting for customer centricity
We want to gain 5% more of the market share over the next 2 years.”
“We want to reduce our operating costs by 10%.”
“We want to be the first choice for customers.”
These kinds of ‘winning aspirations’ are a dime-a-dozen, and when you get right down to it, they’re often not that unique to you’re organisational culture, purpose, or brand. But where’s the differentiation on this? What will customers tell their friends about? How do you prioristise what to improve?
More and more organisations are calling themselves “customer-first”, yet when you look at what objectives are coming from the top down, what you hear doesn’t match what you see. What struck me today were some food-for-thought tests in determining if you're truly working in a customer-centric organisation…
Read MoreLook broader, Think deeper
Words are powerful, and when you get the right combination in the right order, sometimes all it may take to spark that lightbulb moment of realisation is a simple quote like, "Experiences happen before and after the transaction."
Understanding that your product or service isn't the end all, be all of your customer's day is what removes the metaphorical blinders from your eyes that would have otherwise kept you and your team from seeing all of the surrounding, yet hidden business opportunities available. People don't seek out and interact with what you're offering in isolation….
Read MoreA case for inspiring experience visions
Before anyone starts defining the experience vision, it’ll help to have a good idea what the business and brand realistically stands for, where they believe they want to go, and what they’re willing to endure. Without those ingredients, commitment to the cause starts on shaky ground.
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