This is me, Geoff →
It would be silly if this picture was of someone else. Then again, I wouldn’t put it past me. Besides, unless you’ve seen me, how do you know this is me? I’m normally not this still. It’s hard to hold your two thumbs up that long — go on, try it.
Anyways, yeah, this is me.
What I’m calling myself these days
writer / researcher / once-podcaster / occasional comedian / “and more”
I've stripped out the passionate About Me speech meant to encourage a sense of undeniable hireability—it felt too contrived with too few em dashes. My writing and podcasts reflect how I think and what I’m thinking about, so if you want to know more or see how I might help you, reach out and let’s talk.
What’s currently got my attention
Migrating and collating all content from my old comedy-philosophy website and externally published design articles under a single blog-shaped umbrella with a GW stamped on it.
I finally consolidated my Everyday Experiences Podcast episode pages into my one Blog!
Then, as if that isn’t enough, I aim to migrate all this you see into a new Wordpress site.
The day job (Senior Design Researcher at Kiwibank)
Previous roles
Kiwibank - Customer Propositions and Retention Manager
UX Auckland - Meetup Event Host + Social Media Manager
St John NZ - Experience Design Strategist (Self-employed Consultant)
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems - Software Systems Engineer and UX Lead
Virginia Tech Dining Services - Student Manager
past speaking/Hosting engagements
Podcast Host - Everyday Experiences Podcast (2020-2023)
Podcast Guest - “99. Post Mortem of the ‘What Do We Reckon’ Project” - Ruddle Me This! with Taylor Ruddle (Dec 2024)
Podcast Guest - “77. Breaking down ‘The Menu’ with Comedian Geoff Wilson” - Ruddle Me This! with Taylor Ruddle (Dec 2024)
Panelist - “What Is Needed To Create Agile Teams And Strengthen Culture To Improve Customer Experiences?” - Improving Customer Service Design, Delivery & Experience Through Human-Centred Design Forum (Jun 2022)
Panelist - “How Can We Build And Nurture Customer Trust And Engagement Within Service Journeys” - Improving Customer Service Design, Delivery & Experience Through Human-Centred Design Forum (Jun 2022)
Meetup Host - “Recognising and Validating Assumptions to Reduce Risk” - UX Auckland (Aug 2020)
Meetup Host - “Let’s Talk About Our Mistakes” - UX Auckland (Jul 2020)
Meetup Host - “Qualitative vs Quantitative Research Misconceptions” - UX Auckland (Jun 2020)
Meetup Host - “Personas” - UX Auckland (Jun 2020)
Meetup Host - “Seeing 20/20 Clearly - What To Know When Job Hunting This Year” - UX Auckland (February 2020)
Meetup Co-host - “UX Lightning Talks” - UX Auckland (Jul 2019)
Meetup Co-host - “CSS Collaboration” - UX Auckland (May 2019)
Meetup Co-host - (bimonthly networking socials) - UX Auckland (Jun 2019 - Dec 2020)